SwingX是一个包含Swing GUI工具包的扩展控件,为富客户端应用提供很多很棒的组件。值得注意的功能包括:
1。提供tables, trees, 和 lists的排序,过滤,高亮功能 2。查找/搜索 3。登录/验证架构 4。提供TreeTable组件 5。日期选择组件 ……等等。SwingX尤其关注于行列组件的功能扩展。新版本改进内容:
- [] - Flickering in JXPanel with alpha < 1
- [] - JXButton doesn't update font if background is modified
- [] - AutoCompleteDecorator fails to undecorate
- [] - PromptSupport is not being rendered correctly in Linux
- [] - PinstripePainter - incorrect intersection of the graphics clip area
- [] - JXList: baseline support broken
- [] - SwingX QuickStart Demo fails on OS X
- [] - RFE: Play nicely with Netbeans GUI Editor
- [] - JRendererCheckBox: setting opacity to false has no effect
- [] - Regression - WrappingProvider/Panel: background on icon even if not highlighted
- [] - JXPanel: painting artefacts in overlapping frames
- [] - JXPanel: support _not painting_ background on alpha
- [] - JXPanel - background color depends on opaqueness prior to setting
- [] - JXPanel: umbrella issue for paint problems
- [] - row count returns cached value
- [] - JTable, BooleanEditor: inconsistent background color
- [] - MultiSplitLayout.getNodeForName does not return correct value if root node is a leaf
- [] - JXTreeTable: BorderHighlighter fills tree column completely
- [] - JXTreeTable tooltips not shown after expand/collapse tree
- [] - JXTable does not allow negative float values to be entered
- [] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when deleting last rows in a JXTreeTable
- [] - JXLoginPane contains spelling errors for Spanish messages
- [] - Weird behaviour of existing applications
- [] - ListSortUI calling method with wrong argument
- [] - JXTitledPane, JXCollapsiblePane and JXTaskPane opacity issues
New Feature
- [] - Add tree/Node traversal utilities
- [] - RFE: WrapLayout (FlowLayout with correct reporting of preferredSize
- [] - JXTreeTable, JXTable background
- [] - JXTable: hack around core issue in GenericEditor